Friday, October 7, 2011

story ideas

1) Halloween

2) house of torment

3) Drake's "Take Care" album

4) steve jobs passing away

5) fashion trends

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Watch The Throne

Jay-Z & Kanye West's new album "Watch The Throne" released August 8th 2011. Featuring artists Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Mr. Hudson & more.
The album consists of religion wealth & fame. Every track on the album was a hit. This was probably one of the best collaboration albums, by two great artists of their caliber.

The two artists had recorded the album in hotel rooms in Paris, Los Angeles and New York. They had multiple release dates set as well to keep the fans wondering. A couple of tracks had leaked their way to the Internet world early. The album it self was the first major-label project in years that didn't leak in its entirety ahead of time.
Two very wealthy and lyrical artists putting one amazing album out. The carter IV released around the same time and had more album sales in the first week.
            But overall Watch the throne hands down is album of the year.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Volleyball & The Throne Review Topic's (Questions)


1) What do you enjoy most about volleyball season and why?

2) Since its your senior year what are you going to miss the most about your previous seasons? (to senior)

3) Does having a good a relationship with your team mates make you all play better as a team?

4)  What is you alls routine for practice everyday?

5) What does it take to play or get on varstiy?

potential players to interview- dominique,

Watch the throne-

Do you think "Watch the throne" has a good chance of being album of the year if not what album?

What is your favorite song off of the album and why? :)

Watch the throne & the carter IV were released around the same time, why do you think lil waynes sold more albums in the first week?

my review-

Jay-Z & Kanye West's new album "Watch The Throne" released August 8th 2011. Featuring artists Beyonce, Frank Ocean, Mr Hudson & more. The album consists of religion wealth & fame. Every track on the album was a hit. This was probably one of the best collaboration albums, by two great artist's of thier caliber. Two very wealthy and lryical artists puting one amazing album out. The carter IV relseased around the same time and had more album sales in the first week. But overall Watch the throne hands down is album of the year in my opinion. ;}

Friday, September 2, 2011

notes for newspaper, swag

step 1. we pick our story we have interest in,

step 2. brainstorm who i want to interview for the story. (students) keep interviews to adults at a minimum. think outside the box :O

step 3. come up with a set of questions to ask people. (dont ask questions that can be ask with a yes or no!)
ask open ended questions. write different sets of questions depending on the people you are asking.

step 4. got to my editor and ask the expectations, communicate with the editors so you can know how much to write.

5. come up with an outline form of what i think the story is going to be about.
Quote- Transition.    TELL A STORY...

6.go do the interviews!! :o skip the lead go to the body of the story.. the meet. i should always piece the middle of the story. :)

7. then write your lead :O those first 5 words are those words that make the reader want to keep on reading.

8. complete the story


Monday, August 29, 2011


The amazonia ,
I like the amazonia because they have interesting subjects that are going on in brasil. They're newspapers is organized pretty good with a brief summary of the top topics on the cover. Im not going to lie i chose this cover because of the woman on the cover. ;)

I like the fredriksrtad blad because it shows sports as being the main topic on the frpnt vcover on the newspaper. They have a lot of sports on the cover so it looks like this paper has alot of sports in it.
i like track too so this news paper caught my attention alot,.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

scavenger hunt- newspaper

1. mr girard , in the front office to contact AP villegas

3.bennet, waters, ms.medina-103, mr. foust, mr cannon- 102 peavy, coach sites, coach martin, coach thomas


6.reeves, mr. doore yearbook arnim-english


8. kelly best solo in the nation



11. health, fashion

12. aaron/ap raphael kiara s/max

14. saphires, njhs, jrotc, band, choir, orchestra, diamonds'.

15. mr akins, clarissa.

16. cnn, msnbc, austin american statesman, akins eagle eye, max preps.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elements of News

Who: Barrack Obama and Joe Biden
What: They are preparing to begin their campain for their re-election
When: April 14
Why: He will need to fundraise money for his re-election
How? By having conference calls with their top donors and supporters and working on getting them re-engaged in the re-election

Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic news writing

Who? Austin District
Who is involved? Austin school district parents and employees
Who does/did the situation affect? Austins Schools
Who said so? Austin districts budget forms

What? Budget cuts
What is happening? Austin School district is low on money thus having budget cuts
What did happen? Employs getting laid off
What are the consequences? They had a 94.4 million shortfall
What is different about this? They've never had a huge shortfall like this
What are the choices? To get more budget cuts and have multiple reduction

When? 2011
When did or will this happen? It already has happened
When was this discovered? The beginning of 2011

Where? Austin TX
Where did or will this happen? already happened in Austin TX

Why? Not Enough money to support many employs
Why did this happen or will it happen? Happened already

How? Money
How did it or will it happen? Already Happened
How much does it cost? It took away money so about 94.4 million dollars
How many people does this affect? About 1,153 people
How do you feel about this? I fell like we should get help for other people from other states

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interview student of the month (ANSWERS)

  1. Whats your name?
2. What Grade are you in?
3. How do you feel being student of the month?
Like a hard worker
4. What did you do to get student of the month?
I got good grades
5. Whats you GPA?
6. Did you have perfect attendance?
Yes I did
7. Are you a smart kid?
8. Are you in any sports or extracurricular activities? 
im a diamond
9. Are you a leader in the class room?
 yes of course
10. Do you plan on being student of the month next month?
11. How old are you?
I am 17
12. Whats your favorite subject?
13. Were you trying to be the student of the month, or did it just happen?
no it just happend
14. Do you like school?

15. Do you like akins?
16. Do you like your teachers here?
yeah some
17. Do you plan on going to college?
18. Whos your favorite teacher & why?
19. Are you ready for summer/?
20. What are you going to differntly, than what you did last school year?
Get higher grades

Monday, March 28, 2011

Interview student of the month

1. Whats your name?
2. What Grade are you in?
3. How do you feel being student of the month?
4. What did you do to get student of the month?
5. Whats you GPA?
6. Did you have perfect attendance?
7. Are you a smart kid?
8. Are you in any sports or extracurricular activities? 
9. Are you a leader in the class room?
10. Do you plan on being student of the month next month?
11. How old are you?
12. Whats your favorite subject?
13. Were you trying to be the student of the month, or did it just happen?
14. Do you like school?
15. Do you like akins?
16. Do you like your teachers here?
17. Do you plan on going to college?
18. Whos your favorite teacher & why?
19. Are you ready for summer/?
20. What are you going to differntly, than what you did last school year?

Interviewing skills

1. Dominique, Dezarae, Cierra.

2. -Do you think uniforms are necessary?
    -Is this fair?
    -How do you think the students will react?
    -What do you think about the uniforms?
    -Will you obey the dresscode or just go in your normal clothes?
    -Do you think this will succeed.?
    -Will this affect the students in the classroom?
    -Will the school be strict on the policy?
    -What do you think they will make you wear?
    -How do you feel about this whole situation?
    -Would you consider moving to another district cause of the dress code.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is rule of thirds this picture shows the sunset from a distance and the cars.

this image shows the tsanami getting to the street and city

this picture shows the people walking after the disaster. in japan

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Touching People

1. I think this is sooooo wierd and pointless to get random people too touch each other and take awkward pictures with them.

2. I would say heck no ! i dont feel comfortable taking pictures with people i dont know.

3. Get single people on the street and get them to kiss other singles the opposite gender and take a picture.

4. He use the rule of thirds in most pictures.

Cool advertising idea

i like this picture because they made the fingers look like elephants. to advertise for at&t .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sports Review

1. Classic shot of coach having water poured on them after game.
2. The amount of time the shutter is open.
3. Yes to both.
4. Timing of the shot, shutter speed, angle. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yearbook, Elements, & Notes

1. the year book is set up as in everybody in the whole school is together its not split in different grades.
2. pictures
4. page numbers.
5. sports

things that should be in ever good year book.

Cover- Miami Palmetto Senior High

Theme- Palm Echo

what i see- table of contents, end sheet is the first page of the year book, design,

stuff on insheets, theme elements pictures, holds the pages to the cover

The back page- Blank pages  .

the first page, shows a picture of the school , location and how many kids go to that school, phone number, year.

Spread- the picture is a spread and connect to one subject

back of the book, i see a blank page, the last divider "Background", The index

31 Senior Ads.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

magazine notes

1. Early Magazine Covers
No photo just paintings and drawings. Big blod areas of color no date line price or bar code.  Some topis tended to be church related...

2. The Poster Cover
A big picture with small words, saying specifically about the picture.  really good pictures will make people want to buy it. No bar codes on some of the magazines.

3. Pictures Married To Type
 Less Words, most words are located on the side of the magazine, texts relate to the picture. Pictures can be boring!!!!!
4. In the forrest of words- Lots of words, different sizes, and all over the place.  The words makes it distracting.

Stuff that should be on my cover.

Bar Code
Date Line

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Magazine cover and catch up

  • one thing i should be looking for in my magazine cover is no matter what you put on the cover, keep the six functions of covers in mind
  • don't judge your cover on screen
  • how to judge your cover on screen
  • make the cover mysterious/curious so you could grab the viewers attention
  • and lastly avoid a weak cover

Friday, January 7, 2011

Portrait and self-portrait tips and ideas

Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait. 

Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit

I like this photo because it looks like the man is standing on water so it looks cool to me. But the water is shallow so hes really not standing on water.

I like this picture because it shows a man standing by his self  next to the twin towers in new york city..

i like this photography self portrait because it shows a man listening to music.

I like this self portrait because you cant see his body and u just see his head and hand so this looks cool.

I chose this casual portrait because this man looks funny!

I chose this casual photo cause this guy is laughing and he look like a hillbilly. Lol

My plan to make a self portrait is for my partner to take a Picture of me. It will be shot in the Middle of the hallway in the green hall.  It will be successful because i will make sure the camera is in focus or i will make sure my partner know its in focus.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome back!!!!

This was my favorite image because LeBron James is my favorite player and it was a big thing cause he left his hometown team to go play for the Miami Heat..

I like this pic because its about the NBA and i love the NBA but i hate the lakers so this picture isnt all that to me.

I like this image because it looks cool and it show the building getting struck by lighting.

1. Best Song- Big Sean - Too Fake^^^^^^

2. Toy Story 3


4. Justin bieber

5. To Me Basketball

1. My friend got drunk for the first time on new years and he threw up and starting acting crazy.

2. To get back in shape for basketball next season

3. Looking forward to bigger and better things