Monday, March 28, 2011

Interview student of the month

1. Whats your name?
2. What Grade are you in?
3. How do you feel being student of the month?
4. What did you do to get student of the month?
5. Whats you GPA?
6. Did you have perfect attendance?
7. Are you a smart kid?
8. Are you in any sports or extracurricular activities? 
9. Are you a leader in the class room?
10. Do you plan on being student of the month next month?
11. How old are you?
12. Whats your favorite subject?
13. Were you trying to be the student of the month, or did it just happen?
14. Do you like school?
15. Do you like akins?
16. Do you like your teachers here?
17. Do you plan on going to college?
18. Whos your favorite teacher & why?
19. Are you ready for summer/?
20. What are you going to differntly, than what you did last school year?

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