Friday, September 2, 2011

notes for newspaper, swag

step 1. we pick our story we have interest in,

step 2. brainstorm who i want to interview for the story. (students) keep interviews to adults at a minimum. think outside the box :O

step 3. come up with a set of questions to ask people. (dont ask questions that can be ask with a yes or no!)
ask open ended questions. write different sets of questions depending on the people you are asking.

step 4. got to my editor and ask the expectations, communicate with the editors so you can know how much to write.

5. come up with an outline form of what i think the story is going to be about.
Quote- Transition.    TELL A STORY...

6.go do the interviews!! :o skip the lead go to the body of the story.. the meet. i should always piece the middle of the story. :)

7. then write your lead :O those first 5 words are those words that make the reader want to keep on reading.

8. complete the story


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