Friday, September 24, 2010

Hurricane Ike

In this photo it looks like it could be categorized under "framing" because it looks like the photographer just took a snapshot of this.
This photo struck me because before the hurricane this was just a normal road, by the beach and buildings, ect.
Hurricane ike made this look not even look like a road or anything anymore! 
This is why the photo struck me mainly cause of the before and after image. 
I think this photo would also be categorized under framing, mainly because its a snap shot, and not cropped.
The  image struck me because the before image, was all green with land and trees, roads ect. 
The after image looks like an island from all the flooding and you can actually see the road if you look closley.
So i thought this image was pretty cool. the hurricane wasn't cool but i though the photo was.

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