Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Camera

Image Capture: referred to as digitisation, is the process of creating a digital representation or image of an original through scanning or digital photography.

Lens:  is an optical device with perfect or approximate axial symmetry which transmits and refracts light, converging or diverging the beam. 

Focus: maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system

Film Format: is a technical definition of a set of standard characteristics regarding image capture on photographic film, It can also apply to projected film, either slides or movies.  primary characteristic of a film format is its size and shape.

Shutter: a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure

Aperture: In optics, an aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels, the aperture of an optical system is the opening that determines the cone angle of a bundle of rays that come to a focus in the image plane.

Exposure: exposure is the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium, during the process of taking a photograph.

Depth of field: the distance in front of and behind the subject that appears to be in focus

F-Stop:  steps or stopping points for adjusting the aperture of a lens, either marked on a ring on the lens and adjusted by rotating that ring or marked in the display of a camera.

Focal length: the distance from the lens, whether a lens or mirror, that an image of a target at infinity is brought to a focus.

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