Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlboro Marine

A. Luis Sinco used skills in the video by using photography, that connected to what the narrator was saying. I liked how they used different pictures for the subject he was saying. 

B. The main multimedia effects that were in the video was that it had sad music in the background that made you feel more in to the concept of the video.


A. The most powerful image was the war photo when he had all the cuts on his face and he was all dirty because it  makes you  kinda feel like what the man went through  during that time period.

B.  The most powerful sequence was when he rode his bike onto a mountain and was going ride it off the top of the mountain, then he closed his eyes, then everything blacked out.

C. The audio makes the photos better because some of the music was kind of sad so it made the video better. And it didn't make the video all boring.

D. The images worked together to tell this story because every time he was saying something specific it would have an image to go along with the narration.

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