Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing Black and White photos

  • Black and white film that has been exposed 
  • Dark Room
  • A film developing tank
  • Film processing chemicals developer and fixer
  • a container in which chemicals can be mixed
  • a stirring rod to mix chemicals
  • a squeegee to remove water from the film 

Load film onto reel and assemble tank. Prepare chemicals pour in developer, start timer  for 30 seconds. Pour out developer and run tank under water for 30 seconds. Pour in fixer and  for 30 seconds. Pour fixer back into bottle when fixing is complete. Wash for 15 minutes, emptying tank every 5 minutes. Dip film into wetting agent for 30 seconds and dry.

    Contact sheet- is an 81/2 x 11 sheet of photo paper with 6 to 8 color images, generally referred to as proofs.

    Enlarger- pecialized transparency projector used to produce photographic prints from film or glass negatives using the gelatin-silver process, or transparencies

    Developer- chemical agent used to render photographic images after exposure to light.

    Stop Bath-  is a chemical bath usually used in processing traditional black-and-white photographic films, plates, and paper used after the material has finished developing

    Fixer- is a chemical used in the final step in the photographic processing of film or paper

      Wednesday, October 27, 2010

      What the pros are doing - Repetition

      Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia. 
      It looks like on a air plane there, there is a screen on every seat with Maggie Simpson on every screen.
      Twirly Barbie
      A table football game using Barbie dolls is displayed at the International Design Festival in Berlin. 
      This photo shows barbie dolls all in pink on a foosball table.

      Fallen Leader
      Protesters wear masks of slain Tamil Tigers commander Vellupillai Prabhakaran during a rally against Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Prabhakaran was killed last week in the final battle of Sri Lanka's 25-year civil war. 
      The photo shows six guys all with the same mask on all standing next to each other in order.

      Monday, October 25, 2010

      American Soldier slideshow and captions

      i Think this is the most powerful photo  because it looks like the guy in the middle has came back home from iraq and he is greeting his family members.
       The sequence of photo has emotion with the action. There is a lot happening in the photo's which makes them more interesting to look at. 

      They work together because it goes in order by different pictures to tell whats going on.         

      Thursday, October 14, 2010

      Funny Captions

       A kid named chris is doing a Michael Jordan dunk in to a grocery basket, it looks like its placed on a dumpster. 
      There are other kids in the background wishing they could do the dunk like him.

      Back in 1995 this boy named henry was very angry at the moment, because his mother didnt give him a snack.They took a picture of this madness,the background just a close up on this angry little 1 year old baby!

      This newborn asian baby named Chad was born with a 3rd arm, and he looks pretty pleased and happy just the way he was born. there is a nurse helping with baby chad as he leaves the hospital for a burger from mcdonalds.

      Tuesday, October 12, 2010

      Marlboro Marine

      A. Luis Sinco used skills in the video by using photography, that connected to what the narrator was saying. I liked how they used different pictures for the subject he was saying. 

      B. The main multimedia effects that were in the video was that it had sad music in the background that made you feel more in to the concept of the video.


      A. The most powerful image was the war photo when he had all the cuts on his face and he was all dirty because it  makes you  kinda feel like what the man went through  during that time period.

      B.  The most powerful sequence was when he rode his bike onto a mountain and was going ride it off the top of the mountain, then he closed his eyes, then everything blacked out.

      C. The audio makes the photos better because some of the music was kind of sad so it made the video better. And it didn't make the video all boring.

      D. The images worked together to tell this story because every time he was saying something specific it would have an image to go along with the narration.

      Friday, October 8, 2010

      Contests Preview, Show And Tell

       FALL 2002
      This photo is powerful because, it show the ball handler going up for the layup while the defense is trying to defend his move. The content in the photo is a 5 on 5 basketball game being played and a player is attempting a layup/dunk. The lighting in this photo is pretty good, you cant really tell cause the image is black and white. The composition in this photo.  The exposure in this photo is that there is no blurs it is pretty clear, and you can see everything the photo is displaying.

      I chose this photo because it shows downtown austin texas, after it just got done raining.
      It shows the buildings,sky, & and rainbow clearly.

      I chose the video because its about, the high school 7v7 football games.

      Wednesday, October 6, 2010

      Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

      The first thing that caught my eye when i saw this photo was the man playing the piano. It reminded me of ray Charles. I chose these pictures because it catches the people/person off guard while there doing something.
      I See a man playing the piano while smoking a cigarette, it also looks like he playing after hours at a bar or restaurant. 
      I Smell smoke from the burning cigarette in the mans mouth and the hamburgers being cooked in the kitchen .
      I Hear the different piano keys the man is playing at a bar. 
      I Taste the smoke coming from his cigarette, and the non fresh air in the restaurant.   
      I Feel the piano keys.

       The first thing that caught my eye about this photo was the duck on the table, then the second thing was the man sitting on the couch. I like Arnold newman's photo's cause they are different and usually have a man in the photo.
      I See a man just chilling on the couch with his leg up possibly watching t.v or just staring off into space.

      I Smell the grilled cheese sandwiches his wife is fixing for the entire family.
      I Hear the mans kids running around and yelling in there room's.
      I Taste the grilled chesse sandwiches the wife made and they were deicious.
      I Feel the playstation 3 controller the man is about to pick up and play call of duty online.

      Monday, October 4, 2010

      Academics Preview

      The Story
      I think this photo shows how the kids are working together to help build something for their community, it looks like they are helping out with a park or playground.

      Action And Emotion
      This photo looks like the young man is volunteering to help out with younger children, and the little girl looks like she crying, so the man is trying to help her out and cheer her up.

      Filling The Frame
      This photo is showing the maestro conducting the orchestra, this photo fills up the whole frame, there is not alot of open spots, its filled with the orchestra students.