Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Interview student of the month (ANSWERS)

  1. Whats your name?
2. What Grade are you in?
3. How do you feel being student of the month?
Like a hard worker
4. What did you do to get student of the month?
I got good grades
5. Whats you GPA?
6. Did you have perfect attendance?
Yes I did
7. Are you a smart kid?
8. Are you in any sports or extracurricular activities? 
im a diamond
9. Are you a leader in the class room?
 yes of course
10. Do you plan on being student of the month next month?
11. How old are you?
I am 17
12. Whats your favorite subject?
13. Were you trying to be the student of the month, or did it just happen?
no it just happend
14. Do you like school?

15. Do you like akins?
16. Do you like your teachers here?
yeah some
17. Do you plan on going to college?
18. Whos your favorite teacher & why?
19. Are you ready for summer/?
20. What are you going to differntly, than what you did last school year?
Get higher grades

Monday, March 28, 2011

Interview student of the month

1. Whats your name?
2. What Grade are you in?
3. How do you feel being student of the month?
4. What did you do to get student of the month?
5. Whats you GPA?
6. Did you have perfect attendance?
7. Are you a smart kid?
8. Are you in any sports or extracurricular activities? 
9. Are you a leader in the class room?
10. Do you plan on being student of the month next month?
11. How old are you?
12. Whats your favorite subject?
13. Were you trying to be the student of the month, or did it just happen?
14. Do you like school?
15. Do you like akins?
16. Do you like your teachers here?
17. Do you plan on going to college?
18. Whos your favorite teacher & why?
19. Are you ready for summer/?
20. What are you going to differntly, than what you did last school year?

Interviewing skills

1. Dominique, Dezarae, Cierra.

2. -Do you think uniforms are necessary?
    -Is this fair?
    -How do you think the students will react?
    -What do you think about the uniforms?
    -Will you obey the dresscode or just go in your normal clothes?
    -Do you think this will succeed.?
    -Will this affect the students in the classroom?
    -Will the school be strict on the policy?
    -What do you think they will make you wear?
    -How do you feel about this whole situation?
    -Would you consider moving to another district cause of the dress code.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This is rule of thirds this picture shows the sunset from a distance and the cars.

this image shows the tsanami getting to the street and city

this picture shows the people walking after the disaster. in japan

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Touching People

1. I think this is sooooo wierd and pointless to get random people too touch each other and take awkward pictures with them.

2. I would say heck no ! i dont feel comfortable taking pictures with people i dont know.

3. Get single people on the street and get them to kiss other singles the opposite gender and take a picture.

4. He use the rule of thirds in most pictures.

Cool advertising idea

i like this picture because they made the fingers look like elephants. to advertise for at&t .

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sports Review

1. Classic shot of coach having water poured on them after game.
2. The amount of time the shutter is open.
3. Yes to both.
4. Timing of the shot, shutter speed, angle.