Friday, December 10, 2010

Final Exam Study Guide

1. You go to your desk top and click on server drives and go look for your folder.

2. We use it to make our blogs, and to get grades for in this class.

3.  Get a oatmeal can and black paper and wrap the oatmeal can with the black paper, the lid also top and bottom, and also the inside bottom and the walls of the can. Cut out a square 3 inches up from the bottom of the can and place foil, shiny side out, in the square from inside the can and get a sewing needle and poke a hole in the middle of the can and then make a flap to cover the square by cutting out a bigger square sheet of paper.

4. This pinhole camera, when you remove the papers the light goes the hole and hits the camera paper. but you have to hold it open for at least 3 seconds the close it.

5. Rule of thirds:  The rule of thirds explains what part of an image the human eye is most strongly drawn towards first.

 Balancing Elements composition is a matter of making pictures look harmonious. Each element in a picture has a certain amount of value in respect to all the other elements.

Leading lines are lines within an image that leads the eye to another point in the image, or occasionally, out of the image. Anything with a definite line can be a leading lines.

Symmetry- Something that is repetitive in a picture

View point- Camera Angle

Simplicity- simple background

Create Depth-Different levels in a picture.

Framing- a border of a picture

Cropping- removing unwanted parts of the image

Avoiding Mergers- something in the background merges out of the subject

6. It tells you how the picture is and what is going on.

7.It can tell a story by what the things or people are doing in the photo so whover sees the photo can tell what the things or people in the photo are doing.

8. Multimedia means different advertiments and media all over the world to show something.

9.It should be at least two sentences the first part should be about the main subject The seconed part is what the subject is doing that you cant tell.

10. It echances a caption by being specific and giving the main idea.

11. Ethics come to play when the photographer wants to make something fake and non realistic by changing a photo to what its not.

12. A portrait is the main subject with a clear background a self portrait is a person with just there face showing most of the time.

13. A good portarit is the main subject in focus and you can tell what there doing with the background explaining it.

14. News paper you do alot of articals and writing and yearbook you do one page and most of the time shoot photos.

1. Aperture- Also called aperture stop . Optics . an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
2.Shutter-a mechanical device for opening and closing the aperture of a camera lens to expose film or the like.
3. Exposure- the act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
4. F-stop- the setting of an adjustable lens aperture, as indicated by an f number.
5. A single lens reflex- Also called single-lens reflex.
6. Negative-nothing an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightestareas are shown as the darkest.
7. Positive-denoting a print or transparency showing the brightness values as they are in the subject.
8. Contact sheet-a contact print, usually of all frames of a developed roll of negative print film, used as a proofprint.
9. Agitation-the act or process of agitating; state of being agitated: She left in great agitation.
10. Enlarger-an apparatus used for making projection prints, having a head for holding, illuminating, andprojecting a film negative and a bed for holding a sheet of sensitized printing paper.
11. Stop bath- an acid bath or rinse for stopping the action of a developer before fixing a negative or print
12. Fixer- a chemical substance, as sodium thiosulfate, used to promote fixation.
13. Safe light- a darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films,printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Self Portraits

What makes this photo good is that it a cool self portrait. It looks professional but its not, it is home made. The eye on her  hand looks cool and she is covering her real eye so that makes this picture GOOD.

 What makes this photo good is that it is professional and it looks clear . You should have a subject in the picture so it doesn't look like a random photo, and things around the subject that don't take attention away from it.

Abandoned theme parks

1. The amusement park i would go and visit Six Flags in New Orleans, because it looks like a cool six flags to go to because it probably has alot of different and unique rides. The reason it got abandoned was because of hurricane katrina, and i would love to take my camera and take pics.
3. Uganda's School, Ghost towns, docks, everglades, dirt roads


5.  I think it would be fun to document that place because it looks like an interesting place to visit. I think it would be scary to go and take pictures, but pretty fun. I would expect to take picture of old and spooky things.   

5. I would take a camera and tripod, extra film so i don't run out. I would also bring alot of money for emergency uses and for food.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My First Print

Jose and Carla are online completing college applications, they are focused on there future.
Jose wants to attend The University Of Texas, and Carla wants to attend Texas State University.

1.) Is anything in sharp focus?
The Girl in the back ground is in focus
The people in the front are not in focus but the people in the back are.

2.) Is there good contrast? 
Yes it is in good contrast.

3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action?
I don't think i used any rules, and the subject was the kids working in the classroom, and there is some action like a student standing at the teachers desk asking for help.

4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print?
No the image is fine.

5.) Are there print rings or spots?

No none at all.

6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder?
 YES SIR!!!