Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elements of News

Who: Barrack Obama and Joe Biden
What: They are preparing to begin their campain for their re-election
When: April 14
Why: He will need to fundraise money for his re-election
How? By having conference calls with their top donors and supporters and working on getting them re-engaged in the re-election

Friday, April 1, 2011

Basic news writing

Who? Austin District
Who is involved? Austin school district parents and employees
Who does/did the situation affect? Austins Schools
Who said so? Austin districts budget forms

What? Budget cuts
What is happening? Austin School district is low on money thus having budget cuts
What did happen? Employs getting laid off
What are the consequences? They had a 94.4 million shortfall
What is different about this? They've never had a huge shortfall like this
What are the choices? To get more budget cuts and have multiple reduction

When? 2011
When did or will this happen? It already has happened
When was this discovered? The beginning of 2011

Where? Austin TX
Where did or will this happen? already happened in Austin TX

Why? Not Enough money to support many employs
Why did this happen or will it happen? Happened already

How? Money
How did it or will it happen? Already Happened
How much does it cost? It took away money so about 94.4 million dollars
How many people does this affect? About 1,153 people
How do you feel about this? I fell like we should get help for other people from other states